What to Know Before You Color Your Hair

Americans love to change up their hair, there is no doubt about it! In fact, every month over 100 million Americans visit hair salons to become a different person. There are so many things you can do after all, from coloring your hair to getting an edgy haircut.

However, if you are about to go to the salon for a coloring, there are a few things you need to know first. Here we have created a simple guide to what everyone needs to know before you color your hair.

Have a consultation first
You don’t want to go to your appointment and spend a good chunk of time figuring out what you want as this can put your stylist behind. You’ll want to be on the same page with them from start to finish, so having a consultation beforehand will let the stylist know what to expect and how to prepare.

When deciding what you want done, consider your budget
Some colors are much easier to maintain than others. Take blonde for example — it requires a lot of care and root touch ups for anyone with dark hair, so it may be too pricey of an option for you. Generally speaking, darker colors require less maintenance compared to vivid colors.

Think about how much time you want to invest into your color
If you are thinking about changing your entire hair color completely, expect a lot of maintenance. On the other hand, highlights are easy to grow out and can change your look without a lot of time spent in the salon.

Don’t be afraid to bring in photos
Photos are the best way to really convey to your stylist what you’d like in your coloring! Bring in as many different pictures as you can find, and you and your stylist can create something unique for you.

You will need to do an overhaul of your products
You will need to invest in color-safe shampoos and conditioners along with hair products that help protect your hair from the sun. Doing so will make sure your hair color lasts as long as possible.

Simply follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to getting the hair color of your dreams!

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