Loudoun County Public Schools Change Quarantine Policy

Loudoun County Public Schools announced unvaccinated students who are exposed to the virus will now only have to quarantine for 10 days, instead of 14 days.

Superintendent Scott Ziegler stated “Based on the extremely low number of student cases, we will continue to follow the Virginia Department of Health guidance, which allows for shorter quarantine durations as acceptable alternatives in K-12 schools to allow prioritization of school attendance.”

Ziegler went on to state “students who are fully vaccinated and have no COVID-19 symptoms will not need to quarantine. However, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated students who are identified as a close contact of a person infected with COVID-19 will need to quarantine for 10 days. LCPS will continue to work closely with the Loudoun County Health Department and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH) as they are provided.”