Tips For Keeping Your Hair Silky After Professional Styling

One of the nicest feelings in the world is going to the hair salon, getting a brand new wash, cut, color, style, or whatever you’re feeling like that day. That first selfie, just moments out of the door, is simply the best. It’s not uncommon to wish you had a professional stylist in your house to make it perfect daily.

Ladies, on average, in a week, spend about three hours washing, blow-drying, and styling your hair. As much as we wish we had Lady Gaga’s team of stylists (and wardrobe, too, let’s be honest), most of the time we’re left to fend for ourselves. Professional pampering and hair styling are nice and all, but there are some super simple ways to keep your hair bright and shining every single day.

Terms And Conditioners Apply
Everyone who has skipped conditioning, raise your hand. Yeah, we’re all guilty of it (shame on us). It can be time-consuming, but it’s so important to your hair health. When you’re thinking of skipping conditioning, you’re stifling your shine! Don’t do that to yourself! When you do condition (aka always now), make sure you’re minding the details:

  • Drier hair absorbs moisture better. After your shower, let your hair dry for a little bit, then apply your conditioner.
  • Pay attention to your ends. Most of the damage to your hair happens between the middle and ends. Focus your conditioner there especially.
  • You don’t need a heavy rinse. We recommend rinsing with cool water until you can just feel a little conditioner left over. Leave it in and let it soak throughout the day, we promise.
  • While we’re here, don’t wash your hair so often. You don’t need to wash your hair more than three times a week. Overexposure to shampooey chemicals causes lackluster locks. Plus the natural oils your hair and scalp produce are good for you!
  • Chill with the heat! Hot blowdryers, curling irons, flat irons, or any other manner of oppressive heating object you subject your hair to isn’t helping either. We vote air drying over everything, but if you must use drying/styling tools, use low heat settings.


Honestly, if you’re curious about hair facts, fictions, and everything in between, visit your stylist. They know the ins and outs of hair styling and care. Start here for at home caring for that new cut. Smile and stay shining!

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