Winter Car Care Tips with Ashburn Honest1 Auto Care

While we protect ourselves from the ice and snow, we tend to forget about protecting our vehicles for the icy roads ahead. Ashburn Honest1 franchisee Arun Pabbi shared his top five car maintenance tips every driver needs to know this winter.

Stay on schedule

Snow often leads to transportation delays, but don’t let it delay your car maintenance. Pabbi said that his top piece of advice for Ashburn drivers is to “stay on schedule.” Be sure to ask your mechanic to look at the following each winter: the battery, tires, brakes, radiator and wiper blades.

Charge your battery

Have you ever had trouble starting your car after it’s been sitting out in the cold? That’s because your car battery can’t hold its charge as long as it normally would in mild weather. The battery loses 30 percent of its charging capacity in freezing temperatures. The current is slowed and less energy is produced, which often leads to a dead battery. Stop into your local auto care shop to make sure your battery is charged and ready to go.

Check tire pressure, tread

During winter, tire pressure should be checked weekly because tires lose pressure when temperatures drop. To avoid hydroplaning, check how much tread depth your tires have. Try the quarter test to see if your tires meet the 2/32” threshold.

Is your radiator leaking?

Since your radiator is made of plastic, it can often crack in the winter. These visible cracks lead to coolant leakage, which can make the engine overheat. Yes, even in the winter! Have your mechanic flush out the old coolant every three years to make sure there are no leaks or corrosive material in the cooling system.

Wiper blades

Make sure your windshield wipers can clear ice and snow from your line of vision. Wiper blades that are torn or cracked can’t properly clean these areas and can cause loss of vision.

All of these visual checks are part of Honest1’s “Winterization” inspection. All Honest1 customers that come in for an oil change, will receive a “Winterization” inspection free of charge! Customers will be advised of all needed maintenance to ensure safe driving all winter long.

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