Summer Bodies Are Made In The Winter

It can be easy to lose motivation to workout in the winter and sit inside by the fire instead, but getting in shape doesn’t happen over night and in order to have your summer body, you have to put in work during the winter. Here are some tips to stay motivated during the colder months.

Find Time to Exercise
It can be tempting to spend our time indoors watching television even though we all know the benefits of staying active. When watching TV, try doing simple strength exercises during commercial breaks. Aim to do a combination of 5 to 10 repetitions of push-ups, squats and sit-ups. Complete as many sets as possible through commercial breaks, then try to beat your record.

Try Taking a Class
We all need a little motivation sometimes. If you’ve paid for classes, you’re far less likely to skip your workout. Atlas Fitness offers a variety of group training classes. These classes are specially designed to provide a full body, balanced workout. Members benefit from improved physical fitness and enhanced speed, agility, strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Taking someone with you can add more motivation to your training. Exercising and setting goals with a friend might even make your working out more enjoyable.

Don’t Forget About Cardio
Cardio exercises increase your heart rate and the circulation of blood throughout your body. This improves heart condition, increases your metabolism, reduces stress and burns calories. Try doing a combination of jumping jacks, running in place, crunches and push-ups.

Use What You Have
One of the biggest benefits of visiting the gym is the availability of equipment. You can still add resistance training to your home workout; you just need to get a little creative. Look for things in your home that can be used for strength training. Milk jugs and soup cans are just two examples of objects you can use.

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fitnessmotivationwinter fitnessworking out