Tips For Making Your Bouquet Last Longer

Seeing beautiful fresh bouquets in the house is a lovely sight. Unfortunately, these flowers don’t always last long. But there are ways you can make your bouquets last longer! Let’s examine a few tips.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 31, 2018

What Is a Vertical Wine Tasting?

A vertical wine tasting provides a truly unique experience. Vertical tastings allow wine enthusiasts to discover the differences between vintages and learn about the factors that cause these variations. Guests at a vertical wine tasting learn how weather affects grapes and develop a better understanding of the winery’s varietal style and composition.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 26, 2018

Tips For Keeping Your Hair Silky After Professional Styling

Ladies, on average, in a week, spend about three hours washing, blow-drying, and styling your hair. As much as we wish we had Lady Gaga’s team of stylists (and wardrobe, too, let’s be honest), most of the time we’re left to fend for ourselves. Professional pampering and hair styling are nice and all, but there are some super simple ways to keep your hair bright and shining every single day.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 24, 2018

Health Benefits of Hot Tubs

While having fun with friends and family is one major benefit of owning a hot tub, there are so many other health-related benefits. The hot tubs and spas Vienna Hot Tubs and Patios has to offer are top-of-the-line and perfect if you’re looking for help with your health. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits they can offer.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 11, 2018

How Concrete Floors Can Help with Allergies

While soft surfaces are a nightmare for those with allergies, there is a different type of floor coating that actually prevents them from breaking out into a sneezing fit. Many people will often turn to the use of concrete floor coatings. Not only does it look cool in an architectural space, but it also has an array of other benefits.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 11, 2018

3 Great Reasons to Remodel Your Basement

Homes with remodeled basements are much more valuable than those with unfinished basements. In fact, the average basement remodeling project can actually provide a 70% return on investment (ROI). So don’t worry too much about the cost of the actual remodel, because it will be well worth it in the long run.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 5, 2018

Should Adults Still Consider Braces As an Option?

Whether you’re suffering from shifting teeth or you simply aren’t happy with the state of your teeth, orthodontics for adults should be a solution you’re considering. Here are a few reasons why you should keep the option of braces open as an adult.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 5, 2018

Catering Red Flags

When choosing a caterer, you’ll want to select a catering company that has experience with corporate events. Your caterer should be well prepared to handle a variety of situations.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | January 4, 2018

College Admission Essay Tips

Every year, more and more students apply to colleges around the U.S. and abroad. College admissions counselors must search through thousands of college applications to find viable candidates. It’s becoming harder than ever to make your college application stand out.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | December 22, 2017

Bring Winter Into Your Home With These Holiday Flower Arrangements

With family and friends visiting more than ever, it’s understandable that many homeowners will want their homes to look their best. Holiday flower arrangements can add just the right amount of color and festive personality to your living space for these special occasions.

Michael Delano-thumb Michael Delano | December 22, 2017